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Hugo Sandbox

This is an unofficial Hugo sandbox site to try to replicate possible bugs in hugo.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the hugo-sandbox repo. It was last updated on Jan 20, 2022 13:08 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit 669d193 "Copy ox-hugo test site" on 2017-11-02.
Markdown source of this page

Image links

tags: image


This is some text before the first heading of this post. Unclickable image (works!) To be fixed (Now fixed): The sub-headings in a post get exported as Heading 1 instead of Heading 2. For example, this sub-section’s heading is exported as: # Unclickable image instead of ## Unclickable image Solution: Above is fixed by setting HUGO_OFFSET_LEVEL to 1. So the sub-heading title and the post title both get the Heading 1 tag and look the same size.


This is some text before the first heading of this post.

Unclickable image (works!)

To be fixed (Now fixed): The sub-headings in a post get exported as Heading 1 instead of Heading 2.

For example, this sub-section’s heading is exported as:

# Unclickable image

instead of

## Unclickable image

Solution: Above is fixed by setting HUGO_OFFSET_LEVEL to 1.

So the sub-heading title and the post title both get the Heading 1 tag and look the same size.

Click here to see the unicorn

Clickable image that opens the image (works!)

Click below image to jump to the unicorn image.

If you link to files outside of the Hugo static directory, ensure that the path contains /static/ if you would like to preserve the directory structure.

Example translations between outside static directory paths to the copied location inside static:

Outside static Copied-to location inside static Explanation
~/temp/static/images/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/images/foo.png If the outside path has /static/ in it, the directory structure after that is preserved when copied.
~/temp/static/img/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/img/foo.png (same as above)
~/temp/static/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/foo.png (same as above)
~/temp/static/articles/zoo.pdf <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/articles/zoo.pdf (same as above)

Source path does not contain /static/

Outside static Copied-to location inside static Explanation
~/temp/bar/baz/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/ox-hugo/foo.png Here, as the outside path does not have /static/, the file is copied to the ox-hugo/ dir in Hugo static/ dir.

Page (Debug)

Page VariableValue
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Title "Image links"
ResourceType "page"
Kind "page"
Section "posts"
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Layout ""
Permalink "https://hugo-sandbox.netlify.com/posts/image-links/"
RelPermalink "/posts/image-links/"
page.Data{} (type:page.Data)
NextPageOverriding menu properties completely
PrevPageSource blocks with Hugo highlight shortcode
NextInSectionOverriding menu properties completely
PrevInSectionSource blocks with Hugo highlight shortcode

Page Params (Debug)

maps.Params{"date":time.Date(2017, time.July, 15, 7, 49, 44, 0, time.Location("")), "draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastmod":time.Date(2017, time.November, 2, 10, 12, 52, 0, time.Location("")), "publishdate":time.Date(2017, time.July, 15, 7, 49, 44, 0, time.Location("")), "tags":[]string{"image"}, "title":"Image links"} (type:maps.Params)

File Object (Debug)

FileInfo VariableValue
UniqueID "dff05f7db468d53d2ed36e22008cd3fa"
BaseFileName "image-links"
TranslationBaseName "image-links"
Lang "en"
Section "posts"
LogicalName "image-links.md"
Dir "posts/"
Ext "md"
Path "posts/image-links.md"

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.92.0 (commit b3549403) .

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