.Kind (page): .Type (posts) / .Layout ()
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Hugo Sandbox

This is an unofficial Hugo sandbox site to try to replicate possible bugs in hugo.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the hugo-sandbox repo. It was last updated on Jan 20, 2022 13:08 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit 669d193 "Copy ox-hugo test site" on 2017-11-02.
Markdown source of this page

Use Org Code markup for kbd tag (default behavior)

tags: formatting


This is the default behavior. So ~C-h f~ will show up as `C-h f` and then <code>C-h f</code> in the final Hugo generated HTML. Example: Few of Emacs help keybindings: C-h f, C-h v


This is the default behavior. So ~C-h f~ will show up as `C-h f` and then <code>C-h f</code> in the final Hugo generated HTML.


Page (Debug)

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Permalink "https://hugo-sandbox.netlify.com/posts/kbd-tag-default/"
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page.Data{} (type:page.Data)
NextPageUse Org Code markup for kbd tag
PrevPageLink to a heading CUSTOM_ID
NextInSectionUse Org Code markup for kbd tag
PrevInSectionLink to a heading CUSTOM_ID

Page Params (Debug)

maps.Params{"date":time.Date(2017, time.July, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), "draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastmod":time.Date(2017, time.November, 2, 10, 12, 52, 0, time.Location("")), "publishdate":time.Date(2017, time.July, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), "tags":[]string{"formatting"}, "title":"Use Org Code markup for kbd tag (default behavior)"} (type:maps.Params)

File Object (Debug)

FileInfo VariableValue
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Path "posts/kbd-tag-default.md"

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.92.0 (commit b3549403) .

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