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List following a list

tags: lists


You need to force end of list when you have something like an unordered list immediately following an ordered list. The easiest and cleanest way to do that is adding a comment between those lists. – Reference That would be the implementing in the Org exporter backend. But in Org, two consecutive blank lines after a list ends the list. In the below example, the foo* items would be in a different <ul> element than the bar* items.


You need to force end of list when you have something like an unordered list immediately following an ordered list.

The easiest and cleanest way to do that is adding a comment between those lists.Reference

That would be the implementing in the Org exporter backend. But in Org, two consecutive blank lines after a list ends the list.

In the below example, the foo* items would be in a different <ul> element than the bar* items.

Unordered list following an unordered list

Unordered list following an ordered list

  1. foo3
  2. foo4

Ordered list following an unordered list

  1. bar5
  2. bar6

Description list following an ordered list

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.92.0 (commit b3549403) .

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